Between My Sheets is a sex blog out there, a really good one when it comes to sex blogging and general sex education. Each year the owner of the blog, Rori, puts together a list with the top 100 sex bloggers of the year. The list is pretty extensive and covers a lot of sexual practices. So here it is, the top 100 sex bloggers of 2011 – Enjoy!
- Guy New York (@quickiesnewyork) and The Dirty Gentleman from Quickies in New York
- Charlotte Times (@charlotte_times) from The Life and Charlotte Times
- Kendra Holliday (@TBK365 and @beautifulkind) from The Beautiful Kind
- Amie Wee (@crevicecanyon) from Crevice Canyon
- Riff Dog from Ashley and Me
- Catherine Toyooka (@Catcoaches) from Sex Spoken Here: Secrets of a Sexuality Educator
- Vineyard Road (@vineyardroad) from Vineyard Road
- David (@DavidinVegas) from A View from the Top
- Quizzical Pussy (@quizzicalpussy) from Quizzical Pussy
- Athol Kay from Married Man Sex Life
- Dick and Jane from Dick-n-Jane
- EA (@easilyaroused) from Easily Aroused
- Axe (@unspeakableaxe) from Unspeakable Axe
- Joan Price (@JoanPrice) from Naked at Our Age – Better Than I Ever Expected
- Oatmeal Girl (@oatmeal_girl) from Submission & Metaphor
- Dark Gracie (@darkgracie) from Dark Gracie
- Mistress Lilyana (@MistressLilyana) from Mistress Lilyana
- Kyle Jones (@butchtastickyle) from Butchtastic
- Cheeky Minx (@LoveHateSexCake) from Love Hate Sex Cake
- Adam from The Mind of a Married Man
- Dr. Marty Klein (@drmartyklein) from Sexual Intelligence
- Lady Pandorah (@ladypandorah) from Lady Pandorah’s Sanctuary
- Holly (@pervocracy) from The Pervocracy
- Brooke from Puppy Tales
- Lady Dragonfly (@miladydragonfly) from Lady Dragonfly
- nilla (@swirlednilla) from Vanillamom’s Blog
- Wilhelmina Wang (@wilhelminawang) from Heartbreak Nymphomania
- Holden (@packingvocals) from Packing Vocals
- 25 Things from 25 Things About My Sexuality
- Thumper (@thumperMN) from Denying Thumber
- Kake (@poeticerotica) from Poetic Erotica
- Lucas (@top2bottom) from Top to Bottom
- Ms. Diane D from Bi and Large – Cuckolding with a Twist
- Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross (@dodsonandross) from Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross – Sex Information Online
- Kat (@shackledkat) from Prowling with Kat
- The Gentle Nibbles Writing Team (@gentlenibbles) from Gentle Nibbles
- Pandora (@pandorablake) from Spanked, Not Silenced
- Molly (@mollysdailykiss) from Molly’s Daily Kiss
- Vixen from Secrets of a Blue-Eyed Vixen
- DDD from Dick Dyke Dick
- Jade (@piecesofjade) from Pieces of Jade
- Jiz Lee (@jizlee) from Jiz Lee
- Sin from Finding My Submission
- Kris from The Phone Courtesan
- SapioSlut from SapioSlut
- Rockin’ (@RockinwithaCock) from Light Switch
- Rachael (@rabbitwhite) from Rachel Rabbit White
- Neo Dom Tom from A Bedroom Dom
- Daisy Danger (@daisydanger) from The True Life Sex Adventures of Daisy Danger
- Violet & Rye (@UCAppetites) from Uncommon Appetites
- Kaya from Under His Hand
- Lilith (@lilith9465) from Lilith Land
- Lady Grinning Soul (@LadyGrinSoul) from Lady Grinning Soul
- Septimus from Dirty Art by Septimus
- Roxy (@sroxy) from Uncommon Curiosity
- Anakin (@AnakinDarth) and Padme (@padmeamidala) from Journey to the Darkside
- Dr. Charlie Glickman (@charlieglickman) from Adult Sexuality Education
- Lily from theblackleatherbelt
- Arabella (@askarabella) from Bombshells & Rockstars
- SN from Peel It Off!
- Bre from Owned, Collared, Loved
- Adriana Ravenlust from Of Sex and Love
- Delilah (@definingdelilah) from Defining Delilah
- Arthur and Annabelle (@lustandconfused) from Lust and Confused
- Lorelei (@suggestive) from Suggestive Tongue
- Kitty Stryker from PurrVersatility
- Mollena (@Mollena) from The Perverted Negress
- Naughty Lexi from Exploits of Lexi
- Karen Blue (@kissinbluekaren) from Kissing Blue Karen
- Arti (@ArtiAbsinthium) from Absinthe Cocktail
- Figleaf (@talkingfigleaf) from Real Adult Sex
- Miranda and Aarron from The Swingers Attic
- Blacksilk (@BlacksilkBlog) from Blacksilk’s Boudoir
- Violet (@violetscreaming) from Screaming Violet
- Ferns (@Ferns__) from Domme Chronicles
- SlipperyWhnWhet (@SlipperyWhnWhet) from A Slut’s Memoir
- Fruit Taster (@fruittaster) from Fruits of Libido
- Mrs. Discontented (@DiscontentedMrs) from Mrs. Discontented
- Aisha from Being Aisha
- Ruby Ryder from Pegging Paradise
- Chrystal Bougon from Better Sex Radio
- Lipstick Lori (@lipsticklori) from Rarely Wears Lipstick
- CarrieAnn (@CarrieAnn_) from A View from the Floor
- Dangerous Lilly (@dangerouslilly) from This Could Be Dangerous
- Electronic Doll (@electronic_doll) from Post Modern Sleaze
- Jerome from Let’s Talk About Sex
- Dusk (@dusk_in_chains) from Dusk (in chains)
- Innocent Loverboy (@innocentlb) from Innocent Loverboy
- RHS from The Redheaded Slut
- Violet Blue (@violetblue) from Tiny Nibbles
- Amy (@AnalAmy) from Anal Amy
- Curvaceous Dee (@curvaceousdee) from Curvaceous Dee
- Jason Stotts (@Jstotts) from Erosophia
- Mistress Kay (@mistress_kay) from Kinky World
- Viemoira from Cavern of the Beast
- Lucid (@lucidobsession) from Lucid Obsession
- ? & sss (@sweatshopsissy) from Sweat Shop Sissy
- Kat from She Makes the Rules
- Yummy from Sexual Adventures of a Married Woman
- YOU! – As always, I want to leave a place on this list for ALL the awesome sex bloggers out there! So please leave a comment on Between My Sheetswith your name/URL to tell us about your sexy blog!
This year 45 blogs have made the list.
Obviously they are not in order of best to worst as it is impossible to number such blogs of various subjects. These are all great blogs in one way or another and offer up some sexy mind food.
aag – Been reading aag for a long time and I don’t see a reason to stop. Funny, sexy, informative and personal. A blog with attitude!
A Dust Bunny In The Wind – This is a personal style blog covering all kinds of things from daily life and random thoughts to sex toy reviews. You know you have found something when you find zombies, humor, and sexuality all in one place.
Anal Amy - If you like a good sexy story then you just may love this blog.
A poly life – Journal styled blog with random glimpses of life from a gal that identifies as polyamorous. This blog covers all aspects of life from relationships to shoe shopping.
approximately 8,000 words - The multifaceted blog of Kit O’Connell. Kit describes himself as a perverse polyamorous weirdo who enjoys filling his life with as much sex, creativity and oontz-oontz beats as he can.
A Slut’s Memoir - The blog of a submissive masochist slut from my home state. Lots of detailed experiences and thoughts on this blog.
Bound, not gagged - This is a blog by and mostly for sex workers. There is a lot here about legal issues, politics, and how the media and general public perceives sex work and the people involved.
Butchtastic – The blog of a self described geeky genderqueer butch from Washington State who is an athlete, writer, and proud parent in a open relationship. This blog is very well written and gives great insight into Kyle (the blogger) identifies with gender, sexuality, identity and the way people label each other.
Crevice Canyon - I have only been reading this blog for about three months, but it is so dang good I had to list it. The blogger describes herself as a sex positive, smut brained, curvy, queer, filthy tomboy femme who loves to frolic on the pervy side of life.
Cuntlove - A lot of blogs try and be sex positive/ body positive and end up being dry, bitchy, and boring. Cuntlove is fresh and wonderfully written. What originally drew me to the blog however I will admit is the great selection of pulp, retro, and sexy art images used in the posts.
Dick n Jane – One of the best all around personal style sex themed blogs online. Dick n Jane deliver with advice to add spice, sex education, personal thoughts, shared experiences, and random posts that just set you to thinking.
[ erotic . wet . atomic ] - The blog of a mild mannered geeky girl by day, and sex diva at night. This blog is kinky and covers all types of human sexuality including BDSM, swinging, polyamory, open relationships, furries, pet play, submission, and more. I think you should find it interesting, insightful, and educational.
Erotiterrorist - Erotica that I sometimes like. What makes the stories stand out is that they have a different flavor than a lot of erotic writing I run into. Check it out and see if you agree. I also really dig this guys blog header.
Evil Slutopia - Heavily opinionated and in your face on a multitude of topics, and calling “bullshit” on what people/organizations say and do seem to be a big thing on Evil Slutopia. I disagree with at least half of what I read when I visit this blog and find the extremely liberal one moment then conservative the next viewpoints very entertaining.
Forever The Queerest Kids – Usually upbeat, very informative, wonderfully put together and just awesome in all regards. The target reader was meant to be queer youth, but this blog should be read by everyone in my opinion. I had wanted to put this on last years list, but it hadn’t been around long enough.
Guess Her Muff - Each post is of a girl. She is usually clothed. The idea here is that you try and imagine what her vagina looks like. Does she shave? Landing strip? That sort of thing. Then you click the pic and you find out. I will admit I don’t visit this blog on a daily or even weekly basis, but I do check it out about once a month and enjoy being completely wrong with my guessing most of the time.
Having my cake & eating it too – The sensual blog of Joanna Cake. This blog covers as she puts it “all the elements of a being a woman.” Thought provoking, sometimes sad, often sexy, occasionally eye opening, and always worth a read.
Househo’s Joy Fuck Club – A great blog filled with thoughts and experiences by a woman with an open mind and relationship. If you have never read this blog before I recommend checking out some older posts on your first visit to get a feel of where the writer is coming from.
Hubmans’s Hangout – This blog is sexy because of the writers attitude. Though you can find some sexual content (actually a lot in the archives) it is more of an anything and everything journal type blog. The writer also happens to be very into photography and I often just pop in to see what his latest photos posted may be.
JENNY SWALLOWS – Sexy writings and juicy thoughts with a bit of humor can be found at this blog.
KISSINBLUEKAREN - The swinging blog of a gal in Florida named Karen Blue. Here you will find some great stories of her adventures that sometimes include some naughty pictures. There are also a lot of sex toy reviews and an option to pay to see videos. I have not checked that part out, but the swinging adventures are well worth the read.
Literary Wench - A submissive, polyamorous, bisexual gal blogs about sex and relationships, shares poetry, and makes you think about things.
Love and Lust – Sex + art + porn + gibberish (taken from site) is a fitting description for what you may find on this blog. Updated regularly with spicy images and thoughts to go along with them.
Love Hate Sex Cake - The ultra sex blog of Cheeky Minx should have been on last years list, but stupid me just had to round the list down to an even 40. I hope you enjoy the beautifully sensuous, tastefully sexy, and often dreamy images and words of Cheeky Minx as much as I do.
Lusty Lady - The blog of Rachel Kramer Bussel mostly focuses on erotic fiction, but covers a lot of other ground too. I also happen to be a lover of cupcakes so must suggest that you take a peek at her cupcake blog too.
missystarrk - A sex blog done mostly in a journal style, but you really never know what you’ll find week to week. Be sure to check out the we are beautiful project pages.
Molly’s Daily Kiss - A blog from a submissive in the UK that covers a lot of different ground. I have actually not been following this blog for very long, but since I have it has become a regular read.
My Hot Raven - Written by a guy who adores his gal. This blog primarily features photos of Raven and has tiny little stories of the what, where, and why to go along with the pictures. The simple descriptions and way the writer talks about her is what makes it so sexy.
New York Swingers – A couple explores the New York swingers scene and writes about it on this blog. They pretty much cover all aspects of their adventures and thoughts.
Not Your Mothers Playground - The blog of Samantha Fraser. An author, educator and life/relationship coach. – The focus is on open relationships, but this blog covers whatever the writer is thinking about at any given time. Well written and often thought provoking. Not updated tons lately, but well worth checking out.
Open Marriage Life – The blog of a polyamorous sex educator who doesn’t like bare feet, but does like reality tv. This is another blog I recommend reading a few older posts besides the current ones when you first check it it to get a feel for where the writer is coming from.
Our Open Marriage Adventures – A journal style blog that gets very personal and covers all the ups and downs the couple experiences as they explore their sexuality. I have been following this blog since it started and highly recommend it.
Prowling with Kat – At first glance this blog may seem to be a how and why to cheat type blog written from the female point of view it is much more. There is a lot of delving into basic human needs and desires, and the advice section has some interesting and informative stuff for anyone in any lifestyle.
Rachel Rabbit White - Thought provoking, current, and intelligent is how I would describe the writings of Rachel R. White.
Rebecca Ammon - Conversations about Sex, Love, and Relationships. Rebecca touches base with a ton of different subjects on her blog and also features many guest posts on all sorts of sexual topics.
Sex and the Shitty - This blog is full of it. (I found humor in that) The blog is funnier than me, don’t worry. An often (but not always) humor filled look at gender, sexuality, friendship, dating, relationships, accepted norms, and life in general from a gal named Elle and a bunch of other people.
Sex Babble – Lola likes to talk about sex! This is a fun blog written by a fun minded girl. Thoughts, humor, pictures, experiences, and more.
SexinArt.net - SEX – In all its delightful and exciting forms expressed through art. No matter your tastes I think you will find something you can enjoy here.
Sexual adventures of a married woman - A very NSFW journal styled blog that covers the writer’s sex life, fantasies, fetishes and kinks. Photos are often included.
Sexuality & Love in the Arts - A cool blog from a guy named Mark that covers sexuality, relationships, love, ethics, and art criticism. This blog is well written, thoughtful, and is also a great place to find some great art of all types.
Submission and Metaphor - LIFE AND LOVE AS PERFORMANCE ART (that is the tagline) I have actually been stopping in and reading bits of this blog for close to three years now. It has always been a good blog filled with musings that get into your head, but this year I have found myself reading it more often.
The Big Ugly - 10 second timer self-portraits. When I originally stumbled across this gals blog I was immediately impressed.
The Life and Charlotte Times - A great blog out of St. Louis, MO from a gal with lots on her mind and a knack for telling it how she sees it. Polyamorous, adventurous, and outspoken… from parenting to burlesque, Charlotte talks about everything under the sun.
This Could Be Dangerous - The personal blog of Lilly who is also the gal that puts out e[lust] and hosts Wanton Wednesdaywhich I participate in, amongst other things. Most of her posts are related to sex and blogging in some manner, but not all.
Thoughts from a Mystic Satyr – A journal style blog filled with randomness, but focusing on the more sexual and erotic side of life. I have especially been enjoying his Flash Fiction posts the last few months.
That’s all folks!
BDSM, sex and relaxation: news and ideas · (c)Mem's digest
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